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Kayley Paylor
Jul 2, 20248 min read
Honor Breeds As They Are: A Reflection on Breed Purpose
There is a post that has been shared often recently speaking to the indigenous temperament of Afghan Hounds and how there are times that...
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Kayley Paylor
Jun 8, 20239 min read
Combating the Revisionist History of Azawakh in the Present Day
I am a white, cis, straight-presenting middle-class woman living in the United States. Why is this relevant to an article on dogs?...
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Kayley Paylor
May 13, 202311 min read
What Makes an "Easy" Dog- Motivating Dogs Beyond Food and Toys
My Control Unleashed class presently has an Azawakh, a Saluki, a Silken Windhound, and Foxhound mix. A lot of trainers would be tearing...
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Kayley Paylor
Mar 8, 202331 min read
Addressing the Divide in Training Philosophies
I have started this post so many times that I've lost track. Inevitably I abandon it no more than a paragraph or two into what is a...
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Kayley Paylor
Oct 13, 20229 min read
Granting Grace - Remembering the Human Component of Dog Training
"I failed him." "I should have done better." "I need to be more vigilant." "I should never have put her in that situation." "I know my...
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Kayley Paylor
Aug 30, 20225 min read
Talk is Cheap
Talk is cheap. I know, I talk a lot, but I stand by that statement, talk is cheap. I spend a lot of time playing pencil and paper RPGs. I...
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Kayley Paylor
Jan 3, 20226 min read
Function or Fashion - Dog Clothing
Long read, short: in my opinion, if your dog is uncomfortable and the problem can be fixed with clothing, it probably should be. Every...
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Kayley Paylor
Nov 18, 20218 min read
Show Don't Tell - Changing Hearts and Minds in the Dog World
Firstly, let's start off by acknowledging that 99% of people love their dogs or love dogs in general and want to do well by them. Their...
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Kayley Paylor
Oct 21, 20215 min read
How Many Dogs is Too Many?
The answer to the question posed in the title of this article is that the answer to that question is going to vary by person and...
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Kayley Paylor
Oct 11, 20212 min read
Unforced Errors - Slow and Steady Wins the Race
I grew up in a volleyball gym from the time I was a week old on. I was placed in the corner, protected by my crib/playpen. And so, quite...
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Kayley Paylor
Oct 11, 20212 min read
A Dog Can Be in Drive and Not an Asshole
Here's my unpopular opinion for the day. Dogs in drive don't have to be assholes. Full stop. They can be excited and barking and in...
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Kayley Paylor
Jun 7, 20218 min read
You Can't Make Someone Volunteer
I'm going to start way out in left field and I promise we'll make our way back to my point. I was a terrible child. I tell my husband...
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Kayley Paylor
May 8, 20213 min read
The Double Standard for Dog Breeders
This is something I'm probably going to get in trouble for: comparing dogs to humans. But I work with both and if you understand one, it...
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Kayley Paylor
Apr 5, 20219 min read
What Does Least in Intrusive Minimally Aversive Truly Mean?
I consider myself a LIMA (least intrusive, minimally aversive) trainer. I know some would certainly disagree and I will be honest, my...
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Kayley Paylor
Mar 15, 20213 min read
The Mystique of the Rescue Dog – My Dog is Not A Rescue, He Was Lovingly Placed with Me
As an adult, I started in dogs through rescue. I had a roommate that had a three-legged Yorkie mix. He was neurotic but ultimately a very...
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Kayley Paylor
Feb 6, 20218 min read
Breed Traits: Not Every Trait is for Everyone
A breeder of Kishu Ken who I respect recently addressed aggression and the forms it takes within her breed. Overall, she provided a...
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Kayley Paylor
Jan 23, 202111 min read
Conformation: if You Don't Play, You Don't Get a Say
This is a topic I wrestle with constantly when showing conformation and never more than the show over New Year's weekend (2021). I know a...
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Kayley Paylor
Dec 30, 20205 min read
Do Better: On the Balance of Professionalism in the Dog World
I share my thoughts and process behind developing and building my breeding process, because as I have continued on my journey, I am just...
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Kayley Paylor
Dec 1, 20207 min read
Thinking Outside the Box: Nontraditional Breeds in Sports
An Azawakh friend competes in weight pull with one of her dogs. I've been following their journey in weight pull since before they even...
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Kayley Paylor
Oct 19, 20205 min read
On the Toxicity of Call Out Culture
I want to start off with a disclaimer: no one on my friends list is guilty of this right now. There was no single inciting incidence. If...
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