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The Future of my Program is Preservation

Writer's picture: Kayley PaylorKayley Paylor

Tabiri at 3.5 years, Credit Carly Page

I've alluded to this before and I've tried to be very clear to people who are interested in a puppy from me that not every litter I breed will be able to be shown in AKC. AKC conformation requires a dog to have a three-generation pedigree. Two of my dogs don't have that: Amalu and Tabiri. I know when I brought Alu home that I would be pursuing two different paths with my program: one line able to show in AKC and one that heavily utilizes Country of Origin dogs. When I brought Tabiri home I committed to to further. Originally, I had wanted to breed Ami to a dog with a similar pedigree to Tabiri but was able to be shown in AKC, but for a variety of reasons, Tabiri has become a better option for me.

Recently, I sat down and really looked over my litter plans for the future and I realized, as my plans currently stand after the upcoming Fall 2021 litter, I will not be breeding a litter than can be show in AKC for 3-5 litters. If you want an AKC show puppy from me in the near future, I will be prioritizing you for this upcoming litter.

A quick look for my upcoming plans:

  • Anubi x Amidi Fall 2021 - this litter will be able to be shown in AKC conformation, puppies will be dual registered with AKC and UKC. I'm looking for my next show and performance puppy from this litter and looking to produce nice drivey sports prospects.

  • Tabiri x Amidi 2022 - Tabiri is a first generation (F1) Azawakh because his father Ishagahan is an African import. Their puppies will be able to play in performance events in AKC and show in UKC. I would love to cement the lovely structure of both parent dogs and Tabiri adds substance that can be rather lacking in the breed.

  • Amidi third litter 2023?- I've had some interested in a third (and final litter) out of Amidi. If I do, the stud will likely also be an F1 Azawakh of different lineage than Tabiri. Dogs would be registered with AKC and UKC. I would do this litter to see what this combination would be capable of producing and it is a third litter that is very distinct in pedigree from my other two litters.

  • Anubi x Amalu 2023 - Amalu is an F1 Azawakh and thus any puppies she produces will only be a F2 Azawakh and thus unable to show in AKC. I am excited for this pair because I think Anubi and Amalu's substance will balance out nicely and temperamentally I expect some very stable pups.

  • ??? x Amalu 2024 - While I haven't decided the second stud I will use, again, Amalu can only produce F2 puppies unable to show in AKC conformation (but eligible for UKC).

  • Anu/Ami Puppy Litter 2025 - Likely I will pursue a litter that can be shown in AKC conformation

Thus as you see, I am 3-4 litters out from producing an AKC conformation prospect after the upcoming litter.

Why is this the path I've decided to take? After all, people in the breed have fought so hard for AKC recognition, why aren't I breeding dogs that I can show in AKC?

Amalu at 1 year, Credit OlyHillary Photography

Preservation isn't something that I can pursue just when it's convenient. The Azawakh genepool is small and while I enjoy showing in conformation, I love my breed more. I want to preserve the breed as it is in Country of Origins. That means not following fads and in this breed, sometimes producing dogs that can't show in AKC. I am distinctly invested in keeping the vertical format with open angles - most of the African imports and F1 Azawakh I've met have that format and I want to keep it. I can still enjoy UKC conformation until I have more dogs I can show in AKC. I will always prioritize my breed over winning in the AKC show ring.

This is likely a path I will continue on as I move forward. I have a thought to breed an Anu/Alu puppy with Tabiri down the line, which means that even though an Anu/Alu puppy will be an F2 Azawkah, pairing that dog with Tabiri will mean the resulting puppies will remain an F2 rather than having a full three generation pedigree. I'm also interested in a puppy from an imported bitch from COO, which means that I will continue to have pairings that don't have a three generation pedigree down the line.

I'm writing this to be upfront with those interested in a puppy from me. If you want a puppy that can show in AKC, you are going to want a puppy from my upcoming litter or you will likely be waiting 3-4 years.

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